
Some scans from the book Buildings and Power by Thomas A. Markus showing his graph representations of building topologies and how they relate to their plans. These are scans from Part III of the book, Buildings and Knowledge, which deals with building typologies associated with the production and storage of knowledge, buildings as cognitive prosthetics.


Over the last year or two I have programmed several pieces of software dedicated to authoring different kinds of media. Each is a sort of sketch which incorporates a set of features by which the media in question can be generated or manipulated. These programmes (or apps) often embody segments of bespoke workflows, the virtual


Stairwell in the Sciences Library at Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, USA.   The contents page for Adrian Forty’s Concrete and Culture: A Material History. “Despite its ancient Roman origins, concrete is considered the ultimate modern material, used everywhere in construction today: the equivalent of three tonnes of concrete per person on the planet is